Life Cycle of a Rewrite

Since it seems to be all I can think about…

Step 1: Receive feedback.

Step 2: I need these notes. I want them. They’re good. I must get to work.

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Step 3: What have I done to this story? This can’t be right. What have I done? This isn’t right.

Step 4: This can’t be done. Nope. Impossible. Took it all apart. No way it’s going back together. Furthermore, there will be pieces left over. This is a certainty.



Step 5: Huh. Maybe this can be done.


Step 6: Don’t interrupt me. Don’t even look at me. This rewrite has a life of its own. I must pursue art!

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Step 7: Wow. I hope I’m not deluded. This seems quite good. Please may I not be deluded. But I think I’m there.

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Step 8: Send it off. Try to forget.


Step 9: Start again.

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